



subtle » subtle-contrib

Assorted tidbits and projects

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Anonymous, 08/06/2010 03:41 PM

Subtle-contrib\015\012\015\012Collection of contributed scripts, some are more useful than other.\015\012\015\012These scripts may work, if you encounter any problems please ask in the usual places. You can just clone the repo.\015\012\015\012bq. hg clone\015\012\015\012h2. Launcher\015\012\015\012Launcher that combines the fancy stuff of subtle and a browser search bar.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/launcher, Launcher)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Features\015\012\015\012* Search for stuff via Google (Chrome/Opera/Firefox)\015\012* Point your browser directly to an uri\015\012* Launch programs in path and \015\012* Create tags on the fly with #tag\015\012* Create views on the fly with @view\015\012* Tab completion for programs, views and tags\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012|_. Insert |_. Description |\015\012| subtle wm | Change to browser view and search for subtle wm via google |\015\012| | Change to browser view and open new tab in browser |\015\012| urxvt @editor | Open urxvt on view @editor with dummy tag |\015\012| urxvt @editor #work | Open urxvt on view @editor with tag work |\015\012| urxvt #work | Open urxvt and tag with tag work |\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. Styler\015\012\015\012Helper to create or change subtle color themes.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/styler, Styler)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Subtlefs\015\012\015\012Simple VFS implementation with the help of Fuse