



subtle » subtle-contrib

Assorted tidbits and projects

Wiki » History » Version 39

Anonymous, 03/14/2011 08:16 PM

1 39
h1. Subtle-contrib\015\012\015\012Contrib is just a collection of scripts for [[subtle:subtle]], currently there is no package available and you need to clone the repository to a place you are comfortable with:\015\012\015\012bq. hg clone\015\012\015\012_These scripts may work, if you encounter any problems please ask in the usual places._\015\012\015\012Following scripts are currently inside of [[wiki|contrib]]:\015\012\015\012|_. Name         |_. Description                                                                                             |\015\012| [[Graviton]]   | [[Graviton]] is a helper to create custom [[subtle:gravity|gravities]] visually                           |\015\012| [[Launcher]]   | [[Launcher]] that combines modes/tagging of [[subtle:subtle]] with a browser search bar.                  |\015\012| [[Merger]]     | Merge tags of current and selected views temporarily.                                                     |\015\012| [[Positioner]] | Select and tag/untag visible of current client window.                                                    |\015\012| [[Selector]]   | Client selector that works like the subscription selector in "Google Reader": |\015\012| [[Styler]]     | Helper to create or change [[subtle:subtle]] color [[subtle:themes]].                                     |\015\012| [[TermStyler]] | TermStyler is a helper to create or change terminal color themes.                                         |\015\012| [[Vitag]]      | [[Vitag]] is a helper to edit window/view tagging with any editor. (*$EDITOR*)                            |