



subtle » subtle-contrib

Assorted tidbits and projects

Wiki » History » Version 20

Anonymous, 01/02/2011 05:07 PM

1 20
h1. Subtle-contrib\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012Collection of contributed scripts, some are more useful than other.\015\012\015\012These scripts may work, if you encounter any problems please ask in the usual places. You can just clone the repo:\015\012\015\012bq. hg clone\015\012\015\012h2. Graviton\015\012\015\012Graviton is a helper to create custom gravities visually.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/graviton, Graviton)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Start "Graviton": on the commandline via _ruby graviton.rb_. Then just draw rectangles on the grid like e.g. via the rectangular masking tool from "GIMP": Every new rectangle will have a different color to make it easier to distingish between each. To resize a rectangle press the left mouse button on one of the corners and move the mouse.\015\012\015\012The *print* button will show the created new gravities with their color name on the commandline.\015\012\015\012h3. Colors\015\012\015\012Following colors are used in "Graviton": in given order:\015\012\015\012{{color(#00FFFF, cyan)}}\015\012{{color(#008000, green)}}\015\012{{color(#808000, olive)}}\015\012{{color(#008080, teal)}}\015\012{{color(#0000FF, blue)}}\015\012{{color(#C0C0C0, silver)}}\015\012{{color(#00FF00, lime)}}\015\012{{color(#000080, navy)}}\015\012{{color(#800080, purple)}}\015\012{{color(#FF00FF, magenta)}}\015\012{{color(#800000, maroon)}}\015\012{{color(#FF0000, red)}}\015\012{{color(#FFFF00, yellow)}}\015\012{{color(#808080, gray)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Launcher\015\012\015\012Launcher that combines the tagging of "subtle": with a browser search bar.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/launcher, Launcher)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Features\015\012\015\012* Search for stuff via "Google": (Chrome/Opera/Firefox)\015\012* Point your browser directly to an uri\015\012* Launch programs in path\015\012* Create tags on the fly with *#tag*\015\012* Create views on the fly with *@view*\015\012* Set modes on the fly with *&#43;* = full, *&#94;* = float and *&#42;* = stick\015\012* Tab completion for programs, views and tags\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Either call it like @ruby launcher.rb@ from commandline or via "grab": from "subtle":\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">\015\012begin\015\012  require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/path/to/launcher.rb"\015\012\015\012  # Set fonts\015\012  Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.fonts = [\015\012    "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=80:antialias=true",\015\012    "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true"\015\012  ]\015\012rescue LoadError => error\015\012  puts error\015\012end\015\012\015\012grab "W-x" do\015\012\015\012end\015\012</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012|_. Insert             |_. Description                                                                    |\015\012| subtle wm            | Change to browser view and search for _subtle wm_ via "Google": |\015\012| urxvt @editor        | Open urxvt on view @editor with dummy tag                                        |\015\012| urxvt @editor #work  | Open urxvt on view @editor with tag _work_                                       |\015\012| urxvt #work          | Open urxvt and tag with tag _work_                                               |\015\012| +urxvt               | Open urxvt and set full mode                                                     |\015\012| ^urxvt               | Open urxvt and set floating mode                                                 |\015\012| *urxvt               | Open urxvt and set sticky mode                                                   |\015\012| urx<hit tab>         | Open urxvt (tab completion)                                                      |\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. Styler\015\012\015\012Helper to create or change "subtle": color themes.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/styler, Styler)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Start "Styler": on the commandline via _ruby styler.rb_. It will display a preview of the current colors of "subtle": and various color buttons to change them via a color chooser.\015\012\015\012The *print* button will show the new colors on the commandline.\015\012\015\012h2. Vitag\015\012\015\012Vitag is a helper to edit window/view tagging with any $EDITOR\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Helper that provides a way to change the tags of all views and windows at once. It basically just opens your favorite editor via _$EDITOR_ and prints every view and running client followed by it's tags. When the tags are changed and the file saved it will send the changes to "subtle": in one single event per view/client and non-existing tags will be created accordingly.\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012<pre><code># Views\015\012@terms #default #terms\015\012@www #browser\015\012@gimp #gimp_image #gimp_toolbox #gimp_dock\015\012@dev #editor\015\012\015\012# Clients\015\012xterm #terms\015\012</code></pre>\015\012\015\012\015\012