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Assorted tidbits and projects

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Anonymous, 12/10/2010 09:23 PM

Subtle-contrib\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012Collection of contributed scripts, some are more useful than other.\015\012\015\012These scripts may work, if you encounter any problems please ask in the usual places. You can just clone the repo:\015\012\015\012bq. hg clone\015\012\015\012h2. Graviton\015\012\015\012Graviton is a helper to create custom gravities visually.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/graviton, Graviton)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Start Graviton on the commandline via ruby graviton.rb. Then just draw rectangles on the grid like e.g. via the rectangular masking tool from GIMP. Every new rectangle will have a different color to make it easier to distingish between each. To resize a rectangle press the left mouse button on one of the corners and move the mouse.\015\012\015\012The print button will show the created new gravities with their color name on the commandline.\015\012\015\012h3. Colors\015\012\015\012Following colors are used in Graviton in given order:\015\012\015\012{{color(#00FFFF, cyan)}}\015\012{{color(#008000, green)}}\015\012{{color(#808000, olive)}}\015\012{{color(#008080, teal)}}\015\012{{color(#0000FF, blue)}}\015\012{{color(#C0C0C0, silver)}}\015\012{{color(#00FF00, lime)}}\015\012{{color(#000080, navy)}}\015\012{{color(#800080, purple)}}\015\012{{color(#FF00FF, magenta)}}\015\012{{color(#800000, maroon)}}\015\012{{color(#FF0000, red)}}\015\012{{color(#FFFF00, yellow)}}\015\012{{color(#808080, gray)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Launcher\015\012\015\012Launcher that combines the tagging of subtle with a browser search bar.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/launcher, Launcher)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Features\015\012\015\012* Search for stuff via Google (Chrome/Opera/Firefox)\015\012* Point your browser directly to an uri\015\012* Launch programs in path\015\012* Create tags on the fly with #tag\015\012* Create views on the fly with view*\015\012* Tab completion for programs, views and tags\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Either call it like @ruby launcher.rb from commandline or via grab from subtle
{{hide}}\015\012begin\015\012  require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/path/to/launcher.rb"\015\012rescue LoadError => error\015\012  puts error\015\012end\015\012\015\012grab "W-x" do\015\012\015\012end\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012|_. Insert |_. Description |\015\012| subtle wm | Change to browser view and search for subtle wm via Google |\015\012| urxvt @editor | Open urxvt on view @editor with dummy tag |\015\012| urxvt @editor #work | Open urxvt on view @editor with tag work |\015\012| urxvt #work | Open urxvt and tag with tag work |\015\012| urx<hit tab> | Open urxvt (tab completion) |\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. Styler\015\012\015\012Helper to create or change subtle color themes.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/styler, Styler)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Start Styler on the commandline via ruby styler.rb. It will display a preview of the current colors of subtle and various color buttons to change them via a color chooser.\015\012\015\012The *print
button will show the new colors on the commandline.\015\012\015\012h2. Subtlefs\015\012\015\012Simple VFS implementation with the help of Fuse. Vitag\015\012\015\012Vitag is a helper to edit window/view tagging with any $EDITOR\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Helper that provides a way to change the tags of all views and windows at once. It basically just opens your favorite editor via $EDITOR and prints every view and running client followed by it's tags. When the tags are changed and the file saved it will send the changes to subtle in one single event per view/client and non-existing tags will be created accordingly.\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012
# Views\015\012@terms #default #terms\015\012@www #browser\015\012@gimp #gimp_image #gimp_toolbox #gimp_dock\015\012@dev #editor\015\012\015\012# Clients\015\012xterm #terms\015\012