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TermStyler » History » Version 1

Anonymous, 03/14/2011 08:26 PM

1 1
h1. TermStyler\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012h2. Overview\015\012\015\012Helper to create or change terminal color themes. It displays a preview of the current colors of the _~/.xdefaults_ various color buttons to change them via a color chooser.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/termstyler, TermStyler)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Buttons\015\012\015\012|_. Button name |_. Meaning                       |\015\012| Print         | Print the current colors        |\015\012| Wiki          | Print the colors in wiki syntax |\015\012| Reset         | Reset the colors                |\015\012| Exit          | Exit program                    |\015\012\015\012h3. Usage\015\012\015\012Just start [[TermStyler]] on the commandline via @ruby termstyler.rb@.