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Positioner » History » Version 1

Anonymous, 03/14/2011 08:02 PM

1 1
h1. Positioner\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012h2. Overview\015\012\015\012The positioner displays the available views in a selection window inside of the active window in different colors:\015\012\015\012# Views the client is visible in are shown in +occupied+ color\015\012# The current view in the +focus+ color\015\012# Other views just in the +view+ color\015\012\015\012The cursor keys move the selection through the list, *Space* marks the current view in the +urgent+ color and *Enter* tags/untags the current window.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/positioner, Positioner)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Colors\015\012\015\012|_. Color triplet |_. Meaning                |\015\012| Focus           | Currently selected view  |\015\012| View            | Other views              |\015\012| Occupied        | Views client is visible  |\015\012| Urgent          | Selected views           |\015\012\015\012h2. Keys\015\012\015\012|_. Keys      |_. Action                                    |\015\012| Left, Up    | Move to left                                |\015\012| Right, Down | Move to right                               |\015\012| Escape      | Hide/exit                                   |\015\012| Space       | Select view                                 |\015\012| Return      | Tag/untag selected views and exit hide/exit |\015\012\015\012h2. Usage\015\012\015\012Either call it like @ruby merger.rb@ from commandline or add following loader and [[subtle:grabs|grab]] to your [[subtle:subtle]] config.\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">\015\012begin\015\012  require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/path/to/positioner.rb"\015\012rescue LoadError => error\015\012  puts error\015\012end\015\012\015\012grab "W-p" do\015\012\015\012end\015\012</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h2. Configuration\015\012\015\012Per default, the [[positioner]] uses *fixed* as font, this can be changed after requiring the @positioner.rb@ and +before+ running it for the first time.\015\012\015\012h3. Fonts\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">\015\012begin\015\012  require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/path/to/positioner.rb"\015\012\015\012  # Set font\015\012  Subtle::Contrib::Positioner.font = "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=80:antialias=true"\015\012rescue LoadError => error\015\012  puts error\015\012end\015\012</code></pre>