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Graviton » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Anonymous, 02/03/2011 02:17 PM) → Version 2/3 (Anonymous, 02/03/2011 02:18 PM)

h1. Graviton\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012h2. Overview\015\012\015\012Graviton is a helper to create custom [[subtle:gravity|gravities]] visually.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(contrib/graviton, Graviton)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Usage\015\012\015\012Start [[graviton]] [wiki#Graviton|Graviton]] on the commandline via @ruby graviton.rb@. Then just draw rectangles on the grid like e.g. via the rectangular masking tool from "GIMP": Every new rectangle will have a different color to make it easier to distingish between each. To resize a rectangle press the left mouse button on one of the corners and move the mouse.\015\012\015\012The *print* button will display the created new [subtle:gravity|gravities]] with their color name in a format that can be used in the config of [[subtle:subtle]].\015\012\015\012h2. Colors\015\012\015\012Following colors are used in [[graviton]] [[wiki#Graviton|Graviton]] in given order:\015\012\015\012{{color(#00FFFF, cyan)}}\015\012{{color(#008000, green)}}\015\012{{color(#808000, olive)}}\015\012{{color(#008080, teal)}}\015\012{{color(#0000FF, blue)}}\015\012{{color(#C0C0C0, silver)}}\015\012{{color(#00FF00, lime)}}\015\012{{color(#000080, navy)}}\015\012{{color(#800080, purple)}}\015\012{{color(#FF00FF, magenta)}}\015\012{{color(#800000, maroon)}}\015\012{{color(#FF0000, red)}}\015\012{{color(#FFFF00, yellow)}}\015\012{{color(#808080, gray)}}