Bug #239
Mplayer loses focus on view switch
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if user switches views while (sticky) mplayer is active, mplayer will lose focus.
2 ways to see this:
a) start mplayer, make it fullscreen, switch view, try to get mplayer into window mode again. (will not work until you switch back to the view where you started mplayer.
b) start some app on workspace X. start mplayer on another view and switch to the view X again. mplayer will slip behind the started app. you dont even have to switch views. E.g.: Start thunar, start mplayer, open thunar preferences. mplayer will slip behind thunar.
Related issues
Updated by Christoph Kappel over 13 years ago
- Subject changed from Mplayer loses focus on WS switch to Mplayer loses focus on view switch
- Category set to Bugfix
- Status changed from Unconfirmed to Confirmed
- Assignee set to Non member users
- Target version set to Nu
Updated by Christoph Kappel over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Fixed
Fixed due the stacking changes in r2987.