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sur cannot find gems

Added by Léo Dumont about 12 years ago


I've installed subtle on my Debian following the instructions on the wiki to compile the last stable version (0.11.3224). It works fine, but I can't manage to install sublets with sur.
When I try to install clock with :
sur install clock
It returns this error:
>>> ERROR: Cannot fin the gem ‘archive-tar-minitar'
>>> Please install it with following command:
>>> gem install archive-tar-minitar

But this gem is allready on my computer, when I do gem list --local I can see "archive-tar-minitar (0.5.2)" in the list. And the files are in /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin

At first I thought it might be a $PATH problem, so I add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to it in my ~/.bashrc but sur still gives me the same error saying archive-tar-minitar is missing…

Thanks in advance for your help,

Replies (3)

RE: sur cannot find gems - Added by Christoph Kappel about 12 years ago

Sorry, was a bit busy the last few days.

Did you solve your problem or still struggling with it?

RE: sur cannot find gems - Added by Léo Dumont about 12 years ago

No, I still have the same error with sur.
Any help would be welcome !

RE: sur cannot find gems - Added by Christoph Kappel about 12 years ago

Hm, looks like you have multiple versions of ruby installed. subtle requires ruby >=1.9, it doesn't work when you install it with rubygems for 1.8. There might be something like gem19, gem1.9 or something like that. You have to use this to install the gem.
