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Subtle » History » Version 33

Version 32 (Anonymous, 12/08/2009 12:14 PM) → Version 33/143 (Anonymous, 12/08/2009 12:15 PM)

h1. What is subtle?\015\012\015\012[[Subtle|subtle]] is a grid-based manual tiling window manager with a strong focus on easy but customizable look and feel. In comparison to other tiling windows managers, [[subtle]] has no automatic tiling of the screen size, instead windows are arranged according to position inside of a grid. These positions are called [[Gravity|gravities]] and can be edited in the [[config]].\015\012\015\012For better understanding and to ease the usage of [[Gravity|gravities]]\015\012\015\012[[Subtle|subtle]] consists of three parts which are designed to work with each other:\015\012\015\012* [[Subtle|subtle]] the window manager itself\015\012* [[Subtler|subtler]] a command client to control [[subtle]] via shell\015\012* [[Subtlext|subtlext]] a "Ruby": extension that can be used in [[grabs]], [[hooks]] and standalone scripts\015\012\015\012h2. Features\015\012\015\012* Builtin system tray\015\012* Flexible Customizeable [[Panel|panel]] (see also [[Sublets|sublets]])\015\012* Customizeable key/mouse actions (see [[Grabs|grabs]])\015\012* Scriptable with "Ruby": (see "rdoc":, [[Config|config]], [[Grabs|grabs]], [[Hooks|hooks]] [[Sublets|sublets]])\015\012* Window [[Tags|tagging]]\015\012* "EWMH": / "ICCCM": / "XDG": compliant\015\012* "Xinerama": / "XRandr": support\015\012\015\012h2. Where to start?\015\012\015\012If you are new to [[Subtle|subtle]] you should have a look at the [[Screenshots|screenshots]] first and probably give the [[Quickstart|quickstart]] a try. Also you can find [[Install|install]] instructions here or in the @INSTALL@ file, notes to some [[Programs|programs]] and [[Development|developer informations]].\015\012\015\012h2. Getting subtle\015\012\015\012The current stable version of [[Subtle|subtle]] is *0.8.1602* and is available for "download": If you prefer bleeding edge you can check out the latest version from the "Mercurial": repository or download the recent "tip": It can be viewed via the repository "browser":\015\012\015\012bq. hg clone\015\012\015\012_Keep in mind that the version in the repository is under heavily development and may or may not work._\015\012\015\012h2. Build packages\015\012\015\012"Archlinux": "subtle":, "subtle-hg":\015\012"Exherbo":\015\012"Gentoo": (Thanks to vaxholm!)\015\012\015\012h2. Links\015\012\015\012"Rubyforge":, "Freshmeat":, "Ohloh":, "Sourceforge":\015\012"Archlinux Wiki":, "Archlinux Forum":\015\012\015\012h2. Contact\015\012\015\012If you have problems, suggestions or just want to talk about [[Subtle|subtle]] feel free to join *#subtle* on **, drop a mail to _unexist_ at _dorfelite_ dot _net_.