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Subtle » History » Version 32

Version 31 (Anonymous, 09/08/2009 05:47 PM) → Version 32/143 (Anonymous, 12/08/2009 12:14 PM)

h1. What Subtle\015\012\015\012[[Subtle]] is subtle?\015\012\015\012[[Subtle|subtle]] is a grid-based manual tiling the window manager itself that does what the name promises - it handles windows. The layout was initially influenced by "Wily":, but completely changed in it's behaviour during the time working with tiling window managers. The code was initially based on "Aewm":\015\012\015\012h2. Tiling\015\012\015\012[[Subtle]]'s tiling mode is a strong focus on easy but customizable look and feel. In bit different in comparison to the modes of other tiling window managers. This is to bypass common problems with tiling like:\015\012* Placement is limited by special constraints/modes\015\012* Recalculation every time a new window appears makes resizing windows managers, [[subtle]] has no automatic tiling difficult\015\012\015\012Apart of the screen size, instead windows are arranged according to position inside of a grid. These positions are called [[Gravity|gravities]] and tiling mode there exists as well the *floating mode* that can be edited toggled with [[Grabs|grabs]] or via [[Tags|tags]] too. Windows in the [[config]].\015\012\015\012For better understanding tiling or in floating mode *can* overlap - this is +supposed+ to be a feature.\015\012\015\012h2. Placement\015\012\015\012[[Subtle|subtle]] has a different concept of virtual desktops: It's all about [[Tags|tagging]] and to ease the usage placement of [[Gravity|gravities]]\015\012\015\012[[Subtle|subtle]] consists windows is completely determined by it.\015\012\015\012h3. Virtual desktops\015\012\015\012The purpose of three parts which are designed virtual desktops or *views* in [[subtle|subtle]] is to work with allow separation of windows from each other:\015\012\015\012* other. Normally this is done by either dragging/moving windows directly to a *view* or starting clients on a specific view. [[Subtle|subtle]] does it completely different - that is where the window manager itself\015\012* [[Subtler|subtler]] a command [[Tags|tags]] come into play: A *view* will show every client to control [[subtle]] via shell\015\012* [[Subtlext|subtlext]] a "Ruby": extension that can be used in [[grabs]], [[hooks]] and standalone scripts\015\012\015\012h2. Features\015\012\015\012* Builtin system tray\015\012* Customizeable [[Panel|panel]] (see also [[Sublets|sublets]])\015\012* Customizeable key/mouse actions (see [[Grabs|grabs]])\015\012* Scriptable shares at least one [[Tags|tag]] with "Ruby": (see "rdoc":, [[Config|config]], [[Grabs|grabs]], [[Hooks|hooks]] [[Sublets|sublets]])\015\012* Window [[Tags|tagging]]\015\012* "EWMH": / "ICCCM": / "XDG": compliant\015\012* "Xinerama": / "XRandr": support\015\012\015\012h2. Where to start?\015\012\015\012If you are new to [[Subtle|subtle]] you should have it.\015\012\015\012h3. Grid\015\012\015\012The screen is divided into a look at the [[Screenshots|screenshots]] first grid and probably give the [[Quickstart|quickstart]] a try. Also you can find [[Install|install]] instructions here or in the @INSTALL@ file, notes to some [[Programs|programs]] and [[Development|developer informations]].\015\012\015\012h2. Getting subtle\015\012\015\012The current stable version clients are placed into it. The placement of [[Subtle|subtle]] is *0.8.1602* and is available for "download": If you prefer bleeding edge you windows can check out the latest version from the "Mercurial": repository be controlled either via [[Tags|tags]] or download the recent "tip": It directly modified with [[Grabs|grabs]]. To make it easier these positions have special names - they are called [[Gravity|gravities]]. There also can be viewed via gaps between the repository "browser":\015\012\015\012bq. hg clone\015\012\015\012_Keep in mind that windows - the version in user has the repository full control. \015\012\015\012_There is under heavily development no mechanism that resizes the windows automatically and may or may new windows will start with *Center* [[Gravity|gravity]] if not work._\015\012\015\012h2. Build packages\015\012\015\012"Archlinux": "subtle":, "subtle-hg":\015\012"Exherbo":\015\012"Gentoo": (Thanks to vaxholm!)\015\012\015\012h2. Links\015\012\015\012"Rubyforge":, "Freshmeat":, "Ohloh":, "Sourceforge":\015\012"Archlinux Wiki":, "Archlinux Forum":\015\012\015\012h2. Contact\015\012\015\012If you have problems, suggestions or just want to talk about [[Subtle|subtle]] feel free to join *#subtle* on **, drop a mail to _unexist_ at _dorfelite_ dot _net_. predefined._\015\012\015\012{{tocnavi(subtle,Install,Quickstart,Subtler)}}