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Subtle » History » Version 23

Version 22 (Anonymous, 04/19/2009 04:04 PM) → Version 23/143 (Anonymous, 04/19/2009 04:52 PM)

h1. Subtle\015\012\015\012[[Subtle]] is the window manager itself that does what the name names promises - it handles windows.\015\012\015\012h2. Tiling\015\012\015\012[[Subtle]]'s tiling mode is a bit different in windows.\015\012\015\012In comparison to the modes of other tiling window managers. This is to bypass common problems with tiling like:\015\012* Placement is limited by special constraints/modes\015\012* Recalculation every time a new window appears makes resizing windows difficult\015\012\015\012Apart of the tiling mode there exists as well the *floating mode* that can be toggled with [[Grabs|grabs]] or via [[Tags|tags]] too. Windows in tiling or in floating mode *can* overlap - this is +supposed+ to be a feature.\015\012\015\012h2. Placement\015\012\015\012[[Subtle|subtle]] managers [[Subtle|subtle]] has a different concept of virtual desktops: It's all about [[Tags|tagging]] and the placement of windows is completely determined by it.\015\012\015\012h3. Virtual desktops\015\012\015\012The purpose of virtual desktops or *views* in [[subtle|subtle]] is to allow separation of windows fream each other. Normally this is done by either dragging/moving windows directly to a *view* or starting clients on a view. [[Subtle|subtle]] does it completely different - that is where the [[Tags|tags]] come into play: A *view* will show every client that shares at least one tag with it.\015\012\015\012h3. Grid\015\012\015\012The screen is divided into a grid and clients are placed into it. The placement of windows can be controlled either via [[Tags|tags]] or directly modified with [[Grabs|grabs]]. To make it easier these positions have special names - they are called [[Gravity|gravities]]. There also can be gaps between the windows - the user has the full control. \015\012\015\012_There is no mechanism that resizes the windows automatically and new windows will start with *Center* [[Gravity|gravity]] if not predefined._\015\012\015\012Read it.\015\012\015\012\015\012Read more: [[Install]] [[Tiling]] [[Tags]] [[Grabs]] [[Gravity]] [[Sublets]]