Subtle » History » Version 21
Version 20 (Anonymous, 04/07/2009 11:38 PM) → Version 21/143 (Anonymous, 04/19/2009 04:04 PM)
h1. Subtle\015\012\015\012[[Subtle]] is the window manager itself that does what the names promises - it handles windows.\015\012\015\012In comparison to other window managers [[Subtle|subtle]] has a different concept itself. Most of virtual desktops: It's all about [[Tags|tagging]] and the placement of windows is completely determined by it.\015\012\015\012\015\012Read more: [Install]] [[Tiling]] [[Tags]] [[Grabs]] [[Gravity]] [[Sublets]] parts are explained on the following pages:\015\012\015\012[[Tiling]]\015\012[[Grabs]]\015\012[[Gravity]]\015\012[[Install]]