




Assorted tidbits and projects

Subtle » History » Version 19

Version 18 (Anonymous, 01/26/2009 12:46 AM) → Version 19/143 (Anonymous, 01/26/2009 12:56 AM)

h1. Subtle\015\012\015\012[[Subtle]] is the window manager itself.\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012h2. Dragging\015\012\015\012The Dragging\015\012\015\012To change the layout of the tile layout in [[subtle]] windows can be changed by dragging one client dragged via mouse onto another. According another window. Markers will appear then to the position of the mouse (on the other window), markers will show display how the placement will be done.\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(screenshots/dragging, Dragging)}}\015\012\015\012There are *five* different placement modes, so the dragged window will be ..\015\012\015\012* *top*\015\012..above placed next to the other window.\015\012* *left*\015\012..left of the other window.\015\012* *right*\015\012..right of the other window.\015\012* *bottom*\015\012..below the other window.\015\012* *swap*\015\012..swapped with the other window.\015\012\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. selected.\015\012\015\012Here is a small image to illustrate when each placement mode is activated:\015\012\015\012{{lightbox(screenshots/dragging, Dragging)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Grabs\015\012\015\012In [[subtle]] there is no difference between keyboard and/or mouse bindings, the user can fully assign anything to everything. (For reference: that is called a *grab*)\015\012\015\012Here is a small list of implemented grabs so far:\015\012\015\012* *ViewJump1* .. *ViewJumpN*\015\012Change the active view to view1, view2, ..., viewN\015\012* *WindowMove*\015\012Move window either by mouse or cursor key movement.\015\012* *WindowResize* \015\012Resize window either by mouse or cursor key movement.\015\012* *WindowFloat*\015\012Toggle floating state of a window_\015\012* *WindowFull* \015\012Toggle fullscreen state of a window.\015\012* *WindowStick* \015\012Toggle sticky state of a window.\015\012* *WindowKill* \015\012Kill a window.\015\012* *<command>*\015\012If a grab can't be found it will be called via exec. (E.g. xterm will be started)\015\012\015\012h2. Window States\015\012\015\012Windows can either..\015\012\015\012* *float*\015\012..float either be in..\015\012\015\012* *float*\015\012..state and float above other windows. \015\012* *full*\015\012..fill *full*\015\012..state and fill up the whole screen.\015\012* *stick*\015\ *stick*\015\012..state and are visible on every view.