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Subtle » History » Version 125

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Anonymous, 08/09/2011 10:45 PM

What is subtle?\015\012\015\012subtle is a manual tiling window manager with a rather uncommon approach of tiling: Instead of a bunch of predefined layouts, windows are placed on customizeable positions (called gravities) inside of a grid. The user can freely modify gravity definitions and assign gravities to windows either manually or via tags rules in the config.\015\012\015\012Another unique concept is the strict tagging: Unlike other tiling window managers, subtle doesn't allow weak tagging and always maps windows to virtual desktops (calles views) with the appropriate tags regardless of the current active view.\015\012\015\012{{column(:start, width: 40%; vertical-align: top)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Features\015\012\015\012* Builtin system tray\015\012* Extendable panel (see sublets)\015\012* Customizeable key/mouse actions (see grabs)\015\012* Scriptable with Ruby (see rdoc and subtlext)\015\012* Commandline client (see subtler)\015\012* Window tagging\015\012* EWMH / ICCCM / MWM / XDG Base Directory compliant\015\012* Xinerama / XRandR support\015\012\015\012{{column(:mid, width: 60%; background: url(/images/subtlebw.png) right center no-repeat)}}\015\012\015\012{{column(:end)}}\015\012\015\012h2. Where to start?\015\012\015\012{{column(:start)}}\015\012\015\012* Basics\015\012* Installing subtle\015\012* Using subtle\015\012* Using sublets\015\012* Using multihead\015\012* Themes\015\012\015\012{{column(:mid)}}\015\012\015\012* In depth\015\012* Understanding clients\015\012* Understanding tagging\015\012* Understanding gravity\015\012* Understanding styles\015\012* Customizing panel\015\012* Configuring keys\015\012* Hooking events\015\012\015\012{{column(:mid)}}\015\012\015\012* Hacking\015\012* Hacking subtle\015\012* Writing sublets\015\012* Scripting\015\012* Snippets\015\012* Blamelist\015\012\015\012{{column(:mid)}}\015\012\015\012* Problems?\015\012* Check the FAQ* Join #subtle on (IRC)\015\012* Use the bugtracker* Ask in the forum. Contribute\015\012\015\012In case you want to help but don't know how, please help with some documentation and improve the wiki or make a donation. Patches, suggestions and open discussions are always welcome.\015\012\015\012{{pledgie}}\015\012\015\012h2. License\015\012\015\012This code can be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2. See the file COPYING for details.\015\012\015\012h2. Read more\015\012\015\012Ohloh, Rubyforge, Freshmeat, Sourceforge, Archlinux Wiki, Archlinux Forum, Gentoo Forum