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Sublets » History » Version 55

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Anonymous, 10/25/2010 02:01 PM

Sublets\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012Sublets are small Ruby scripts written in a small DSL that can provide things like system information for the panel. They are well included in the main loop of subtle and can be used in various ways. \015\012\015\012h2. Installation\015\012\015\012h3. Easy\015\012\015\012The easiest way to install a sublet is to let sur do all the dirty work, it's designed to be really easy and works in a rubygems like fashion and since r2138 bundled with subtle.\015\012\015\012Generally sur is the subtle user repository for user contributed sublets, everyone can submit sublets via sur.\015\012\015\012
\015\012sur install clock\015\012sur uninstall clock\015\012sur notes clock\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. Hard\015\012\015\012Ok, you asked for it: Point your browser to and download a sublet. Then you need to unpack the sublet - they are just tarballs. Once unpacked you will probably find three types of files:\015\012\015\012# A sublet file (.rb) [$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/sublets]\015\012# A specification file (.spec) [$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/specifications]\015\012# Zero or more icons (.xbm) [$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/icons]\015\012\015\012The files need to be installed in the appropriate folders in $XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle and after a reload of either the configor the sublets you are done.\015\012\015\012h2. Configuration\015\012\015\012Many sublets can be configured by editing the sublet file itself, which can be troublesome for users not that in love with ruby. In case the sublet supports the newer way (since r2148) there is a special DSL command for this:\015\012\015\012
{{hide}}sublet :clock do\015\012  interval      50\015\012  format_string "%H:%S"\015\012end