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Sublets » History » Version 52

Version 51 (Anonymous, 09/29/2010 12:30 AM) → Version 52/66 (Anonymous, 10/19/2010 11:09 PM)

h1. Sublets\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012[[Sublets]] are small "Ruby": scripts written in a small "DSL": that can provide things like system information for the [[panel]]. They are well included in the main loop of [[subtle]] and can be used in various ways. \015\012\015\012h2. Installation\015\012\015\012h3. Easy\015\012\015\012The easiest way to install a [[sublets|sublet]] is to let [[sur]] do all the dirty work, it's designed to be really easy and works in a rubygems": like fashion. Generally [[sur]] is the *subtle user repository* for user contributed [[sublets]], everyone can submit [[sublets]] via [[sur]].\015\012\015\012<pre>\015\012sur install clock\015\012sur uninstall clock\015\012sur notes clock\015\012</pre>\015\012\015\012h3. Hard\015\012\015\012Ok, you asked for it: Point your browser to and download a [[sublets|sublet]]. Then you need to unpack the [[sublets|sublet]] - they are just tarballs. Once unpacked you will probably find three types of files:\015\012\015\012# A [[sublets|sublet]] file (*.rb*) [@$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/sublets@]\015\012# A [[specification]] file (*.spec*) [@$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/specifications@]\015\012# Zero or more icons (*.xbm*) [@$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/icons@]\015\012\015\012The files need to be installed in the appropriate folders in @$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle@ and after a reload of either the configor the [[sublets]] you are done.\015\012\015\012h2. Configuration\015\012\015\012Many [[sublets]] can be configured by editing the [[sublets|sublet]] file itself, which can be troublesome for users not that in love with "ruby": In case the [[sublet]] supports the newer way (since r2148) there is a special "DSL": command for this:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">sublet :clock do\015\012 interval 50\015\012 format_string "%H:%S"\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h2. Writing\015\012\015\012Starting a [[sublets|sublet]] from scratch is really easy, just create an empty [[sublets|sublet]] either with [[sur]] like @sur template foo@ or with any editor of your choice. A [[sublet]] has some base functions and can access [[subtle]] itself via [[subtlext]]. A compending list of the classes with it's functionality can be found in "rdoc": and informations about the available unit tests in the [[hacking]] section.\015\012\015\012h3. Types\015\012\015\012Generally there are two different types of [[Sublets]]:\015\012\015\012* [[sublets]] that are updated by given interval in seconds (default 60s)\015\012* [[sublets]] that are updated when a file is modified (via "inotify": or via socket\015\012\015\012The [[sublet]] data *must* be of type "String":, everything else will be ignored.\015\012\015\012h3. Events\015\012\015\012[[Sublets]] are event driven, so there are some specific events only for [[sublets]] and it's also possible to use any existing [[Hooks|hook]].\015\012\015\012*Specific events:*\015\012\015\012| *&#58;mouse_over* | Whenever the pointer is over the [[sublet]] |\015\012| *&#58;mouse_down* | Whenever the pointer is pressed on the [[sublet]]. Can have three arguments: x, y, button. |\015\012| *&#58;mouse_out* | Whenever the pointer leaves the [[sublet]] |\015\012| *&#58;run* | Whenever either the interval time is expired |\015\012| *&#58;unload* | Whenever the sublet will be unloaded |\015\012| *&#58;watch* | Whenever the watched file is modified/socket has data ready |\015\012\015\012h3. Grabs\015\012\015\012Since r2204 [[sublets]] can use [[grabs]] in a similar way as in the main config. \015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">\015\012configure :grabby do |s|\015\012 s.interval = 5\015\012end\015\012\015\012grab "A-b" do |s, c|\015\012 puts "sublet name: %s" % [ ]\015\012 puts "pressed on : %s" % [ ]\015\012end\015\012</code></pre>\015\012\015\012_Please note that there is no checking if the newly created grab already exists, last one wins._\015\012\015\012h3. Configuration\015\012\015\012[[Sublets]] can either be configured by editing the [[sublet]] file or by a special "DSL": command in the main config (since r2148) of [[subtle]]. The latter done via "Subtle::Subtle#config":, this returns a "hash": and can be used as in the following example:\015\012\015\012h4. Inside of the config\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">sublet :configured do\015\012 interval 50\015\012 some_string "#00ff00"\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h4. Inside of the sublet\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :configured do |s|\015\012 s.interval = s.config[:interval] || 30\015\012 s.some_string = s.config[:some_string] || "default"\015\012\015\012 # Works with colors too\015\012 =[:red] || "#ff0000")\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do\015\012 = + s.some_string\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h3. Customization\015\012\015\012The color of the ouput of a [[sublet|Sublets]] can be changed in this way:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :colorful do |s|\015\012 ="#ff0000")\015\012 ="#00ff00")\015\012 ="#0000ff")\015\012 s.background = "#303030"\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do\015\012 = + "su" + + "bt" + + "le"\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012There is also a way to add a "X bitmap": to a [[Sublets|sublet]]:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :iconized do |s|\015\012 s.icon ="/usr/share/icons/subtle.xbm")\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do |s|\015\012 = @icon + "subtle"\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012A nice collection of this pixmap can be found "here":\015\012\015\012_[[Subtle]] will add a padding of 3px left and right of the pixmap, so keep that in mind when using the click hooks._\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012Below is the code of a shipped [[sublet|sublets]] that displays the time. It should be really straight forward:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :clock do |s|\015\012 s.interval = 60 #< Set interval time\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do |s|\015\012 ="%d%m%y%H%M") #< Set data\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012Another example for the "inotify": [[sublets|sublet]] which is also included within [[subtle]]:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :notify do |s|\015\012 s.file = "/tmp/watch"\015\012\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do\015\012 begin\015\012 = IO.readlines(@file).first.chop #< Read data and strip\015\012 rescue => err #< Catch error\015\012 puts err\015\012 = "subtle"\015\012 end\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012The *watch* command also works with "Ruby": sockets, but be aware of blocking I/O:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :socket do |s|\015\012 s.socket ="localhost", 6600)\015\012\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :watch do |s|\015\012 begin\015\012 = s.socket.readline.chop #< Read data and strip\015\012 rescue => err #< Catch error\015\012 puts err\015\012 = "subtle"\015\012 end\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do |s|\015\012 # Do nothing\015\012end</code></pre>\015\012\015\012_[[Subtle]] will automatically set sockets to O_NONBLOCK._\015\012\015\012And finally an example with a click callback:\015\012\015\012<pre>{{hide}}<code class="ruby">configure :click do |s|\015\012 s.interval = 999 #< Do nothing\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :mouse_down do |s, x, y, button|\015\012 Subtlext::Client["xterm"].raise\015\012 puts x, y, button\015\012end\015\012\015\012on :run do |s|\015\012 # Do nothing here\015\012end</code></pre>