




Assorted tidbits and projects

Install » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Anonymous, 02/16/2009 09:11 PM) → Version 5/65 (Anonymous, 02/16/2009 09:12 PM)

h1. Install\015\012\015\012[[subtle]] has the following dependencies:\015\012\015\012# "Ruby": (>=1.8)\015\012# "Rake": (>=0.8)\015\012# "X11": (>=6.8.2)\015\012\015\012Currently there is no stable release of subtle available.\015\012If you like you can clone the Mercurial repository and install\015\012the developer version as followed:\015\012\015\012# hg clone\015\012# cd subtle\015\012# rake [options]\015\012# rake install\015\012\015\012The installer will copy the files to following ("XDG": (XDG) default path:\015\012\015\012# Binaries -> _/usr/bin_\015\012# /usr/bin\015\012# Configs -> _/etc/xdg/subtle_\015\012# /etc/xdg/subtle\015\012# Sublets -> _/usr/share/subtle_\015\012# /usr/share/subtle\015\012# Extension -> _(Ruby Dir)/subtle_\015\012\015\012The (Ruby Dir)/subtle\015\012\015\012The path can be easily changed (see: rake help) and are printed\015\012after config has finished.\015\012\011\015\012On start subtle will check if a config file and sublets are available\015\012in the typical XDG path and fall back to the systemwide files.\015\012(see: _$XDG_DATA_HOME_, _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME_)\015\012\015\012Per $XDG_DATA_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME)\015\012\015\012Per default [[subtle]] will be installed with @/usr/local@ as prefix.\015\012This can be easily changed. (see: rake help)\015\012\015\012Therefore subtle will load the systemwide config and every sublets\015\012that is in the [[sublets]] path. (default: /usr/local/share/subtle/sublets)\015\012\015\012That may not be suitable for every user, so just create @~/.subtle@\015\012and copy the latest config and the desired sublets into it.\015\012\015\012Always compare your existing config with the one of the repository\015\012to get the latest options.\015\012\015\012h2. Getting started\015\012\015\012The config and sublets are installed in _/usr/local/etc/subtle_ resp. _/usr/local/share/subtle/sublets_. To use a non-system-wide config create _\342\210\274/.subtle_ and copy the default config into it. Sublets will only be loaded if a symlink in _\342\210\274/.subtle/sublets_ exists. The load of the sublets is therefore filesystem based - first in the list will be loaded first.