




Assorted tidbits and projects

Install » History » Version 39

Version 38 (Anonymous, 10/20/2010 12:25 PM) → Version 39/65 (Jonathan Dahan, 10/21/2010 11:14 PM)

h1. Install\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012h2. Dependencies\015\012\015\012[[subtle]] has the following dependencies:\015\012\015\012# "Ruby": (>=1.9)\015\012# "Rake": (>=0.8)\015\012# "X11": (>=6.8.2)\015\012\015\012And following optional "gems": for [[sur]]:\015\012\015\012# "curb": (>= ([[sur]] only)\015\012# "archive-tar-minitar": (>=0.5.2)\015\012# "datamapper": (>=0.9.11) ([[surserver]] only)\015\012# "sinatra": (>=0.9.4) ([[surserver]] only)\015\012\015\012h2. Versions\015\012\015\012Stable releases can be found "here": If you like you can clone the "Mercurial": repository and install the developer version as followed:\015\012\015\012# hg clone\015\012# cd subtle\015\012# rake [options]\015\012# rake install\015\012\015\012The installer will copy the files to following "XDG": default path: (see: rake help)\015\012\015\012| *Binaries* | _/usr/bin_ |\015\012| *Config* | _/etc/xdg/subtle_ |\015\012| *Extension* | _&#40;Ruby Dir&#41;/subtle_ |\015\012| *Scripts* | _/usr/share//subtle_ |\015\012\015\012\015\012The paths can be easily changed (see: "rake": help) and are printed after configuring is done. [[subtle]] will create cache files to keep track of the settings, whenever you need to change a path later you need to delete the old caches with @rake clobber@.\015\012\015\012h2. Distributions\015\012\015\012h3. Archlinux\015\012\015\012There is no stable package of [[subtle]] in community but there are two packages available in "AUR":\015\012\015\012* "subtle": (current stable)\015\012* "subtle-hg": (developer snapshot)\015\012\015\012h4. Manually\015\012\015\012# Install following dependencies with *pacman*: libx11, ruby, ruby-curb, ruby-minitar\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>pacman -S libx11 ruby ruby-curb ruby-minitar</code></pre>\015\012# Download the tarball of the chosen package\015\012# Unpack the tarball\015\012# Change dir into it and run makepkg:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>makepkg</code></pre>\015\012# Install the package with pacman:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>pacman -U subtle*.tar.xz</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h4. Tools\015\012\015\012Use one of the many tools to install packages from "AUR": like: "yaourt":, "clyde":, "packer":\015\012\015\012h3. Ubuntu\015\012\015\012Since a package for ubuntu does not yet exist, you need to compile [[subtle]] to get it up and running.\015\012\015\012_Note that these instructions are tested on Mavrick (10.10)_\015\012\015\012# Install the dependencies with *apt-get* (_as root_): libx11-dev, ruby1.9.1, ruby-dev1.9.1, libruby1.9.1 and rake\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo apt-get install libx11-dev rake ruby1.9.1 ruby-dev1.9.1 libruby1.9.1</code></pre>\015\012# Download either the latest stable package or clone the "Mercurial": repository\015\012# Change dir into the [[subtle]] folder (stable or latest) and issue rake: (rake1.9.1 for the latest version):\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>rake1.9.1</code></pre>\015\012\015\012 This should configure and get you ready for install\015\012# Issue the following command to install it:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo rake1.9.1 install</code></pre>\015\012# Add a [[subtle]] session to your xsessions:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/subtle.desktop</code></pre>\015\012\015\012 And add this:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>[Desktop Entry]\015\012Encoding=UTF-8\015\012Name=subtle\015\012Comment=subtle tiling window manager\015\012Exec=subtle\015\012Type=XSession\015\012 </code></pre>\015\012# Reboot and your good to go..enjoy [[subtle]] :)\015\012\015\012h3. Gentoo\015\012\015\012\015\012\015\012h3. Exherbo\015\012\015\012Make sure to update "jedahan's repository":\015\012\015\012 cave resolve -x jedahan\015\012\015\012Then install subtle like so\015\012\015\012 cave resolve -x subtle\015\012\015\012h2. Exherbo\015\012\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. Config\015\012\015\012On start [[subtle]] will check if a config file is available in the typical XDG paths and use it. A local config is preferred over a system wide. (see: _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME_) Then it will have a look for [[sublets]] in the XDG paths too and load them accordingly. (see _$XDG_DATA_HOME_)\015\012\015\012* To create a user config just create @$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/subtle@ and copy the latest config from the @dist@ folder into it.\015\012* To enable [[sublets]] create @$XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/sublets@ and create symlinks to the [[sublets]]. (Load order is alphabetically)\015\012\015\012_Always compare your existing config with the one of the repository/tarball to get the latest options and check the latest news._\015\012