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Anonymous, 08/17/2011 02:33 PM
Grabs\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012Grabs are the mouse button/keyboard mappings in subtle and can be used in various combinations, no grab is limited either to button or keyboard only. Generally they are combinations or chains of one or more modifiers and a button/key.\015\012\015\012Genereally there are different types of grabs:\015\012# Predefined grabs that call a specific actions\015\012# Grabs that call a Ruby block\015\012# Grabs that exec a program\015\012\015\012h2. Finding keys\015\012\015\012The best resource for getting the correct key names is /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
, but to make life easier here are some hints about it:\015\012\015\012* Numbers and letters keep their names, so a is a and 0 is 0\015\012* Keypad keys need KP_ as prefix, so KP_1 is 1 on the keypad\015\012* Strip the XK_ from the key names if looked up in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
\015\012* Keys usually have meaningful english names\015\012* Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M), Shift (S), Super (W), AltGr (G))\015\012\015\012h3. Chaining\015\012\015\012Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one or a list of keys and can be used in various ways to trigger an action. In subtle, there are two ways to define chains for grabs:\015\012\015\012# Default: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab\015\012\015\012 Example: grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
\015\012# Chain: Define a list of grabs that need to be pressed:\015\012\015\012 Example: grab "C-y Return", "urxvt"
\015\012\015\012h3. Mouse buttons\015\012\015\012* B1 = Button1 (Left mouse button)\015\012* B2 = Button2 (Middle mouse button)\015\012* B3 = Button3 (Right mouse button)\015\012* B4 = Button4 (Mouse wheel up)\015\012* B5 = Button5 (Mouse wheel down)\015\012\015\012h3. Modifier keys\015\012\015\012* A = Alt key\015\012* C = Control key\015\012* M = Meta key\015\012* S = Shift key\015\012* W = Super (Windows key)\015\012* G = AltGr key (since r3004)\015\012\015\012h3. Common keys\015\012\015\012* Space\015\012* Tab\015\012* Enter / Return\015\012* F1 - F12\015\012* Left, Down, Up, Right\015\012* Next, Prior\015\012* Page_Up, Page_Down\015\012* Home, End\015\012* Insert, Delete\015\012* Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Equal\015\012* Decimal\015\012* Num_Lock\015\012* Escape\015\012\015\012h3. Multimedia keys\015\012\015\012The following list shows some typically used keynames for multimedia keys. Per default they are unassigned, see Assigning keynames for more.\015\012\015\012* XF86AudioMute\015\012* XF86AudioRaiseVolume\015\012* XF86AudioLowerVolume\015\012* XF86AudioPlay\015\012* XF86AudioPrev\015\012* XF86AudioNext\015\012* XF86WWW\015\012* XF86Calculator\015\012* XF86Mail\015\012\015\012The complete list with all keynames can be found in /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB
.\015\012\015\012If you use ncmpcpp for your music player needs, you can use your multimedia keys to control playback. Simply copy the below code into your config.\015\012 \015\012\015\012# Multimedia Keys\015\012grab "XF86AudioPlay", "ncmpcpp toggle"\015\012grab "XF86AudioNext", "ncmpcpp next"\015\012grab "XF86AudioPrev", "ncmpcpp prev"\015\012grab "XF86AudioStop", "ncmpcpp stop"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. Fn keys\015\012\015\012Fn keys found on notebooks other than numpad keys can't be used directly, they need to be defined. See Assigning keynames for more.\015\012\015\012h3. Examples\015\012\015\012{{hide}}\015\012grab "S-B1", :WindowMove\015\012grab "A-space" do |c|\015\012 c.toggle_float\015\012end\015\012grab "W-F1", "xterm -sb"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h2. Assigning keynames\015\012\015\012Keys like the multimedia keys are unassigned or even unknown to the xserver and can't be used directly, but xmodmap can be used to assign keynames to these new keycodes. To get the actual keycodes of a key there is showkey, a tool that can't be used in a virtual terminal.\015\012\015\012* Get keycode\015\012\015\012\015\012kb mode was XLATE\015\012\015\012press any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...\015\012keycode 28 release\015\012keycode 153 press\015\012keycode 153 release\015\012
\015\012\015\012* Add to ~/.Xmodmap\015\012\015\012\015\012keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext\015\012
\015\012\015\012* Add grab to subtle config\015\012\015\012\015\012 grab "XF86AudioNext", "mpc next"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h2. Predefined\015\012\015\012h3. Escape\015\012\015\012Set an escape grab that needs to be pressed before any other grab can be used like in screen. Subtle\015\012\015\012h4. SubtleReload\015\012\015\012Reload config and sublets.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-C-r", :SubtleReload
\015\012\015\012h4. SubtleRestart\015\012\015\012Restart subtle without exiting Xorggrab "W-C-S-r", :SubtleRestart
\015\012\015\012h4. SubtleQuit\015\012\015\012Quit subtle and exit Xorg session.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-C-q", :SubtleQuit
\015\012\015\012h3. Views\015\012\015\012h4. ViewJump\015\012\015\012Move pointer either to screen showing numbered view (multihead) or open numbered view on current screen.\015\012\015\012* ViewJump1\015\012* ViewJump2\015\012* ...\015\012* ViewJumpN\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
\015\012\015\012h4. ViewSwitch\015\012\015\012Set current view to numbered view and swap view with screen currently showing it. (multihead)\015\012\015\012* ViewSwitch1\015\012* ViewSwitch2\015\012* ...\015\012* ViewSwitchN\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch
\015\012\015\012h4. ViewNext\015\012\015\012Select next view.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "KP_Add", :ViewNext
\015\012\015\012h4. ViewPrev\015\012\015\012Select previous view.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev
\015\012\015\012h3. Screens\015\012\015\012h4. ScreenJump\015\012\015\012Move pointer to the numbered screen.\015\012\015\012* ScreenJump1\015\012* ScreenJump2\015\012* ..\015\012* ScreenJumpN\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
\015\012\015\012h3. Windows\015\012\015\012Window grabs manipulate/toggle various properties of client windows.\015\012\015\012h4. WindowMove\015\012\015\012Move window either by mouse movement while holding the mouse button or via arrow/cursor keys. The move mode can be exited either with releasing the mouse button or pressing return. \015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-B1", :WindowMove
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowResize\015\012\015\012Resize window either by mouse movement while holding the mouse button or via arrow/cursor keys. The resize mode can be exited either with releasing the mouse button or pressing return. \015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-B3", :WindowResize
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowFloat\015\012\015\012Toggle floating mode of window. Floating windows have no gravity and float above the other windows.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-f", :WindowFloat
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowFull\015\012\015\012Toggle fullscreen mode of window.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-space", :WindowFull
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowStick\015\012\015\012Toggle sticky mode of window. Sticky windows appear on all screens.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-s", :WindowStick
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowRaise\015\012\015\012Move window to top of window stacking list.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-r", :WindowRaise
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowLower\015\012\015\012Move window to bottom of window stacking list.\015\012\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-l", :WindowLower
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowLeft\015\012\015\012Select window left of current window.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-Left", :WindowLeft
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowDown\015\012\015\012Select window below current window.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-Down", :WindowDown
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowUp\015\012\015\012Select window above current window.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-Up", :WindowUp
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowRight\015\012\015\012Select window right of current window.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-Right", :WindowRight
\015\012\015\012h4. WindowKill\015\012\015\012Kill current window.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-k", :WindowKill
\015\012\015\012h3. Gravities\015\012\015\012Gravity grabs change the gravity of the selected client on the current view, they are basically a list of gravities and are toggled.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ]
\015\012\015\012h2. Blocks\015\012\015\012Grabs can also call a Ruby block (aka lambda/proc), the arity of the block is either a client window or none. Inside of the blocks the whole API of subtlext can be used, the extension will be loaded ondemand.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012{{hide}}\015\012grab "S-F2" do |c| \015\012 puts\015\012end\015\012
\015\012\015\012h2. Exec\015\012\015\012Invoke a shell and exec a program.\015\012\015\012Example:\015\012\015\012grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
\015\012# Multimedia Keys\015\012grab "XF86AudioPlay", "ncmpcpp toggle"\015\012grab "XF86AudioNext", "ncmpcpp next"\015\012grab "XF86AudioPrev", "ncmpcpp prev"\015\012grab "XF86AudioStop", "ncmpcpp stop"\015\012
\015\012grab "S-B1", :WindowMove\015\012grab "A-space" do |c|\015\012 c.toggle_float\015\012end\015\012grab "W-F1", "xterm -sb"\015\012
\015\012kb mode was XLATE\015\012\015\012press any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...\015\012keycode 28 release\015\012keycode 153 press\015\012keycode 153 release\015\012
\015\012keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext\015\012
\015\012 grab "XF86AudioNext", "mpc next"\015\012
grab "W-C-r", :SubtleReload
grab "W-C-S-r", :SubtleRestart
grab "W-C-q", :SubtleQuit
grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch
grab "KP_Add", :ViewNext
grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev
grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
grab "W-B1", :WindowMove
grab "W-B3", :WindowResize
grab "W-f", :WindowFloat
grab "W-space", :WindowFull
grab "W-s", :WindowStick
grab "W-r", :WindowRaise
grab "W-l", :WindowLower
grab "W-Left", :WindowLeft
grab "W-Down", :WindowDown
grab "W-Up", :WindowUp
grab "W-Right", :WindowRight
grab "W-k", :WindowKill
grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ]
\015\012grab "S-F2" do |c| \015\012 puts\015\012end\015\012
grab "W-Return", "urxvt"