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Grabs » History » Version 37

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Anonymous, 05/30/2010 05:15 PM

Grabs\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012Grabs are the mouse button/keyboard mappings in subtle and can be used in various combinations, no grab is limited either to button or keyboard.\015\012\015\012Genereally there are different types of grabs:\015\012# Predefined grabs\015\012# Grabs that call a Ruby block\015\012# Grabs that exec a program\015\012\015\012h2. Keys\015\012\015\012The best resource for getting the correct key names is the /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h, but to make life easier here are some infos about it:\015\012\015\012* Numbers and letters keep their names, so a is a and 0 is 0\015\012* Keypad keys need KP_ as prefix, so KP_1 is 1 on the keypad\015\012* Strip the XK_ from the key names if looked up in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h\015\012* Keys usually have meaningful english names\015\012* Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt, Control, Meta, Shift, Super)\015\012\015\012+Common keys+:\015\012* Space\015\012* Tab\015\012* Enter / Return\015\012* F1 - F12\015\012* Left, Down, Up, Right\015\012* Next, Prior\015\012* Page_Up, Page_Down\015\012* Home, End\015\012* Insert, Delete\015\012* Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Equal\015\012* Decimal\015\012* Num_Lock\015\012* Escape\015\012\015\012h2. Chains\015\012\015\012Grab chains are combinations of one or more modifiers and a button/key. The following two lists show the modifier/buttons that are available:\015\012\015\012+Modifier keys+:\015\012* A = Alt key\015\012* C = Control key\015\012* M = Meta key\015\012* S = Shift key\015\012* W = Super (Windows key)\015\012\015\012+Mouse buttons+:\015\012* B1 = Button1 (Left mouse button)\015\012* B2 = Button2 (Middle mouse button)\015\012* B3 = Button3 (Right mouse button)\015\012* B4 = Button4\015\012* B5 = Button5\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012"S-B1"    => WindowMove\015\012"A-space" => lambda { |c| c.toggle_float }\015\012"W-F1"    => "xterm -sb"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h2. Predefined\015\012\015\012h3. Views\015\012\015\012Move pointer to the numbered view.\015\012\015\012* ViewJump1\015\012* ViewJump2\015\012* ...\015\012* ViewJumpN\015\012\015\012h3. Screens\015\012\015\012Move pointer to the numbered screen.\015\012\015\012* ScreenJump1\015\012* ScreenJump2\015\012* ..\015\012* ScreenJumpN\015\012\015\012Move window to the numbered screen.\015\012\015\012* WindowScreen1\015\012* WindowScreen2\015\012* ..\015\012* WindowScreenN\015\012\015\012h3. Windows\015\012\015\012Window grabs manipulate/toggle various properties of client windows.\015\012\015\012* WindowMove\015\012* WindowResize\015\012* WindowFloat\015\012* WindowFull\015\012* WindowStick\015\012* WindowRaise\015\012* WindowLower\015\012* WindowLeft\015\012* WindowDown\015\012* WindowUp\015\012* WindowRight\015\012* WindowKill\015\012\015\012h3. Gravities\015\012\015\012Gravity grabs change the gravity of the selected client on the current view, they are basically a list of gravities and are toggled.\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
"W-KP_7" => [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ]
\015\012\015\012h2. Blocks\015\012\015\012Grabs can also call a Ruby block (aka lambda/proc), the arity of the block is either a client window or none. Inside of the blocks the whole API of subtlext can be used, the extension will be loaded ondemand.\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012"S-F1" => lambda { |c| puts }\015\012
\015\012\015\012h2. Exec\015\012\015\012Invoke a shell and exec a program.\015\012\015\012* xterm +sb