Bug #236
Wifi sublet - unhandled condition
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just a small bug in wifi.rb on line 36 causes script to abort with unhandled exception when link variable is not initialized.
Either fix the mentioned lines.data = '%s%s (%d/100)' % [ s.icon, essid.strip, link ]
with something like
s.data = '%s%s (%d/100)' % [ s.icon, essid.strip, link.nil? ? 0 : link ]
or directly handle fail case of '/proc/net/wireless' file parsing on line 19:
link, level, noise = wireless.scan(/#{s.device}:s*d*s*([0-9-]+).s+([0-9-]+).s+([0-9-]+)/).flatten
Updated by Christoph Kappel over 13 years ago
- Category set to Bugfix
- Status changed from Unconfirmed to Confirmed
- Assignee set to Non member users
- Target version set to Nu
What is in /proc/net/wireless when the link level is empty?
Updated by Christoph Kappel over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Fixed
Fixed in wifi-0.7.