Bug #222
merger.rb unmerge bug with keyboard
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For example I merge two views: terms & web.
When I am on the 'web' I do gravity left browser and gravity right with urxvt. Than if urxvt have focus I unmerge 'term' and statusbar show 'ncmpcpp'. So, keyboard don't react while I don't set focus to firefox by the mouse manually . Also this bug arise sometimes yet, when I don't use merger, but I can't explain reason why.
My subtle version is 0.10.2876. Please excuse my English.
Updated by Christoph Kappel over 13 years ago
- Category set to Bugfix
- Status changed from Unconfirmed to Feedback
- Assignee set to Non member users
- Target version set to Nu
Hum, when does the focus loss happen exactly? I need to be able to reproduce that or otherwise I cannot fix it.
Updated by Christoph Kappel over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Not a bug