


Assorted tidbits and projects

Assigning views to be screen specific and default view behavior.

Added by Steven Hum over 12 years ago

I've recently become aware of subtle and am intrigued by its configurability. I have a multihead environment (30" and 24" monitor setup), which in my current notion (ion3) setup, allows me to define distinct views and frame layouts per display.

Is there a way to do likewise with subtle? I don't find the swapping views between displays terribly useful as I like to have specific views and layouts (and associated client apps) specific to each display (I currently have with notion the equivalent of 2 views with associated frame layouts per screen). Assuming this can be done, how can the status bar at the top of the screen list the correct views for that screen?

Secondly, one other feature I like about notion, is that any app launched opens by default (if no assignment exists) in the currently active frame. Is there a way to have the "default" be the current gravity (that is active or if no client exists, the gravity the mouse is hovering over) in subtle? For my purposes, I don't find the fullscreen opening of undefinded apps in the term/default view terribly useful requiring jumping to the term view (which on large monitors, is unnecessary real estate for me).

And, lastly (for now!), is there any way to have any client launched become the active view in focus (regardless of what view it may appear on)? Either globally for the subtle environment or by app?

I'm culling through what I can find on the net. Advance thanks and apologies if answers have been posted I haven't stumbled upon yet. Not sure if subtle will bump notion as my primary wm but thanks for making it available!


Replies (3)

RE: Assigning views to be screen specific and default view behavior. - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago


you are the second one now that asked for a way to limit views to specific screens, maybe the right time to look into it. Technically it is really easy to add and I am going to ping you back when it is included.

There is the :default_gravity setting that defines the gravity untagged windows start with, when you comment this option out the gravity of the current client is used. It is documented in the confg on line 28/29.

With current active frame you mean current view? You can do that with hooks like in the example here. Focussing a window works in a similar way, you can do something like this:

on :client_start do |c|

RE: Assigning views to be screen specific and default view behavior. - Added by Steven Hum over 12 years ago

Thank you Christoph for such a rapid response! I look forward to your ping and continuing to familiarize myself with subtle.


RE: Assigning views to be screen specific and default view behavior. - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

You are welcome. The changes take a bit more tinkering, adding is quite easy, but applying the logic to e.g. the view panel buttons is more complex.
