Subtlext:View.jump on multihead screen
Added by François-Xavier LdM almost 13 years ago
I started use subtle a few days ago, and I'm running into a little problem while scripting in Ruby with Subtlext :
I write this code to be able to jump between dynamic visible view. (like :ViewNext/Previous, but without hidden views)
That work very well with one screen, but when I connect the second one and use the grab, my mouse always go to screen 1, and I can't use the jump in screen 2
require "subtle/subtlext" grab "W-Right" do vArr = Subtlext::View[:all]; cindx = vArr.index(Subtlext::View.current); found = false; for i in 1..vArr.size do cV = vArr[(i + cindx) % vArr.size]; if (!cV.clients.empty? && Subtlext::View.visible.index(cV) == nil) then cV.jump; break; end end end grab "W-Left" do vArr = Subtlext::View[:all].reverse; cindx = vArr.index(Subtlext::View.current); found = false; for i in 1..vArr.size do cV = vArr[(i + cindx) % vArr.size]; if (!cV.clients.empty? && Subtlext::View.visible.index(cV) == nil) then cV.jump; break; end end end
Is it possible to use Subtlext:View.jump with multihead screen?
Thank you for your help
Replies (4)
RE: Subtlext:View.jump on multihead screen
Added by Christoph Kappel almost 13 years ago
Haven't forgotten about this, just wasn't able to figure out yet what is going wrong either with your code or with mine. ;)
RE: Subtlext:View.jump on multihead screen
Added by François-Xavier LdM almost 13 years ago
This event hook has the same strange behaviour than my grab
on :client_create do |c| v = c.views; if !v.empty? then v[0].jump; end end
So the problem seems to be in Subtlext :s
RE: Subtlext:View.jump on multihead screen
Added by François-Xavier LdM almost 13 years ago
Problem solved!
Thanks a lot!
Subtle is perfect, now :D