


Assorted tidbits and projects

[SOLVED] Sublets do not work upon installation

Added by tasty minerals about 13 years ago

I've downloaded clock_0.33 sublet, unpacked and installed 3 files to separate dirs:


After that I added to subtle.rb

sublet :clock do
interval 30
foreground "#eeeeee"
background "#000000"
format_string "%H:%M:%S"

But nothing seem to work after I restart subtle. What am I missing?

Replies (7)

RE: Sublets do not work upon installation - Added by Christoph Kappel about 13 years ago

The path is completely wrong, subtle expects sublets in ~/.local/share/subtle and this is not the preferred way of installing sublets.

Please use sur:

sur install -R clock

RE: Sublets do not work upon installation - Added by tasty minerals about 13 years ago

thank you.

For some reason I can't use sur.

$ sur install clock
ERROR: Couldn't find the gem `rubygems'
Please install it with following command:
gem install rubygems

$ gem install rubygems
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'rubygems' (>= 0) in any repository
ERROR: Possible alternatives: rubygame, eyrubygems, rubyless, rubydeps, brewbygems

RE: Sublets do not work upon installation - Added by tasty minerals about 13 years ago

Yes, ubuntu.

One more question, how do I configure sublets, there is only a sample for clock. What about other sublets, is there a readme with available config options anywhere? Like font color, or where is the documentation for a sublet? It seems like using for example gnome-volume-applet is way easier, due to point-click functionality.

RE: Sublets do not work upon installation - Added by Christoph Kappel about 13 years ago

Debian is a special case, you need to install rubygems from their repo.

Sublets come with their own docs, when the author added some.

Information about the sublets: sur info subletname
Config options: sur config subletname

And you surely agree, that the config shouldn't include examples for all possible sublets, since they are user-contributed, right? ;)
