




Assorted tidbits and projects

Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets

Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago


First of all I would say that I really appreciate Subtle. I was an Awesome WM user but I don't really like lua. Subtle is a good alternative and ruby is a more funny . Nice job.

I have 3 pbs:

I use selector.rb from subtle-contrib it works well when I have many windows in only one views. I can select the windows with numbers or move the selection with the left/right keys.
But when I have windows on more than one view, I can only use numbers to select the windows I want. Is it normal?

I try to play with sublets and I see that it's not possible to pass some char (like > or / ) to a variable of a sublet. For example with the mpd sublet, if I modify the variable
format_string "%artist%>%album%"
, the char ">" is not displayed.

I can see this with a sublet that I have written. It's an ascii bar [::::: ] where user can modify the char used in the bar. If I set bar ">" I have no char that is displayed insted of [>>>> ]. Furthermore if I use the char "" for a bar like [\\\\ ] subtle "crash".
You can see the sublet files here:
Where is the problem?

Last problem, maybe I have played too much with sublets but I can't not remove a sublet.
I have installed it with sur install cpu
But if I try to uninstall it I have this message:
@>>>>>> Uninstalling icon `icons/cpu.xbm'

Uninstalling specification `cpu-0.3.spec'

Uninstalled sublet cpu-0.3

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/specification.rb:113:in `eval': (eval):31: syntax error, unexpected tLBRACE, expecting ']' (SyntaxError)
(eval):55: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting keyword_end
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/specification.rb:113:in `load_spec'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:889:in `block in build_local'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:887:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:887:in `build_local'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:610:in `uninstall'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/runner.rb:158:in `run'
from /usr/bin/sur:20:in `<main>'


For information, the files have been deleted by sur but the cpu sublet is still listed when I run sur list. I have also tried to reinstall the sublet with sur but it didn't work neither. After that I gott the cpu.sub archive unpacked it and I have tried to restore the files, then re-launch
sur uninstall cpu
but this doesn't work.

So my questions are: does sur maintains a local database/cache of installed sublets (like rpm or dpkg and where it is)?, is there a way to clean this catabase/cache?

Replies (13)

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

Cédric Le Moigne wrote:


First of all I would say that I really appreciate Subtle. I was an Awesome WM user but I don't really like lua. Subtle is a good alternative and ruby is a more funny . Nice job.

Thanks :)

But when I have windows on more than one view, I can only use numbers to select the windows I want. Is it normal?

Hum, I cannot reproduce that. The selector works fine here, can you post me the output of subtler -vl -p 'puts "#{param}: #{}"' and tell me what combination doesn't work?

You can see the sublet files here:
Where is the problem?

That is an internal problem, subtle currently uses <> to separate format strings and apparently that clashes in strsep which is a bit odd. I changed the separator in r3177 to ^ and you can use the > without problems, just update later.

So my questions are: does sur maintains a local database/cache of installed sublets (like rpm or dpkg and where it is)?, is there a way to clean this catabase/cache?

subtle and all components honor the XDG specs, therefore cache files are stored in /.cache/sur. Just delete both files and re-run sur and list e.g. locallly installed sublets. You can manually delete sublets as well, just cd into /.local/share/subtle/sublets and remove the broken file.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago

For the pb with selector I have done different tests:

1⇋ terms: ["urxvt"]
2⇋ www: ["luakit"]
3⇋ mails: ["Mail"]
4⇋ gimp: []
5⇋ dev: []
6⇋ multimedia: []
7⇋ virt.Mach: []
8⇋ divers.: []

With this configuration I don't have pbs

1⇋ terms: ["urxvt", "urxvt"]
2⇋ www: ["luakit"]
3⇋ mails: []
4⇋ gimp: []
5⇋ dev: []
6⇋ multimedia: []
7⇋ virt.Mach: []
8⇋ divers.: []

With this configuration I don't have pbs

1⇋ terms: ["urxvt", "urxvt"]
2⇋ www: ["luakit"]
3⇋ mails: ["Mail"]
4⇋ gimp: []
5⇋ dev: []
6⇋ multimedia: []
7⇋ virt.Mach: []
8⇋ divers.: []
With this configuration I can't use arrows (left/top/right/bottom) to select a window
but I can use the corresponding number on the keypad to select a window
I have only three choices urxvt mail (thunderbird) and luakit.

1⇋ terms: ["urxvt"]
2⇋ www: ["luakit"]
3⇋ mails: ["Mail"]
4⇋ gimp: []
5⇋ dev: []
6⇋ multimedia: []
7⇋ virt.Mach: []
8⇋ divers.: ["keepassx"]
With this configuration I can't use arrows (left/top/right/bottom) to select a window
but I can use the corresponding number on the keypad to select a window
Furthermore I have only two choices in my selector window:
keepassx and mail (thunderbird)

For the problem with sur:

I have cleaned the directory ~/.cache/sur/ and run sur list but now sur doesn't list any sublets and I still have the message:

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/specification.rb:113:in `eval': (eval):31: syntax error, unexpected tLBRACE, expecting ']' (SyntaxError)
(eval):55: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting keyword_end
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/specification.rb:113:in `load_spec'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:889:in `block in build_local'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:887:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:887:in `build_local'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:610:in `uninstall'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/runner.rb:158:in `run'
from /usr/bin/sur:20:in `<main>'

I will try to restart subtle.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago

I have find a solution for the problem with sur.

I had a sublet specifications which was not well formated, so the line (113) spec = eval( in the file specification.rb crash.

I have modified the file specification.rb:

@ begin # Create spec
spec = eval(
spec.path = File.dirname(file)
rescue SyntaxError => se
puts file
spec = nil

Now when I use "sur list" for example, if there is a bad specification file, an error is displayed and all of the good files are listed.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago

For my pb with selector.rb:

when I call selector.rb from the terminal :

ruby selector.rb

It works

But when I call it via subtle and a key combinaison It doesn't work as expected.

Here's the configuration in my subtle.rb:

  require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb" 
  # Set fonts
  Subtle::Contrib::Selector.font = "xft:Droid Sans Mono:pixelsize=66:antialias=true" 
  rescue LoadError => error
    puts error

  grab "A-Tab" do

And here is the error message:

ArgumentError: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:285:in `>'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:285:in `block in redraw'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:279:in `each'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:279:in `each_with_index'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:279:in `redraw'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:320:in `call'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:320:in `show'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:320:in `show'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:118:in `run'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb:75:in `run'
 from /home/silkmoth/.config/subtle/subtle.rb:86:in `block in <main>'
 from -e:in `call'

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

cedlemo ... wrote:

I had a sublet specifications which was not well formated, so the line (113) spec = eval( in the file specification.rb crash.

I don't see the benefits of this, doesn't the if block below cover that case already?

For my pb with selector.rb:

when I call selector.rb from the terminal :
It works

But when I call it via subtle and a key combinaison It doesn't work as expected.

I fixed that error in r113 of subtle-contrib.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago

I don't see the benefits of this, doesn't the if block below cover that case already

hum .. maybe I don't really understand what you want to say :) ) ( my english is not very good)

my answer :

I don't see any if block below in the file specification.rb and if there is code that cover that case, why any syntax error in a specifications file make

sur list
return this
usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/specification.rb:113:in `eval': (eval):31: syntax error, unexpected tLBRACE, expecting ']' (SyntaxError)
(eval):55: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting keyword_end
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/specification.rb:113:in `load_spec'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:889:in `block in build_local'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:887:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:887:in `build_local'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/client.rb:610:in `uninstall'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/subtle/sur/runner.rb:158:in `run'
from /usr/bin/sur:20:in `<main>'

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

cedlemo ... wrote:

I don't see any if block below in the file specification.rb and if there is code that cover that case, why any syntax error in a specifications file make [...] return this

The error cannot happen there, what is your version of subtle?

Here is the code of #load_spec:

When #eval raises an exception it is caught by the surrounding try/rescue.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago

I use the subtle-hg package from archlinux
subtle 0.10.3179

I look at and it's not the file I have

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

cedlemo ... wrote:

I use the subtle-hg package from archlinux
subtle 0.10.3179

I look at and it's not the file I have

So what is different besides some missing brackets, that I removed a few minutes ago? I have exactly this file here on my machine.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago


so ok I am sorry it's the same file. And No the if loop only check if spec is empty and rescue don't handle eval error


begin # Create spec
spec = eval(
spec.path = File.dirname(file)
rescue SyntaxError => se
puts file
spec = nil

handle syntax error for eval:

see here :

It turns out that, by default, the "rescue" statement does not catch all exceptions, but only those that are subclasses of StandardError. SyntaxError is a sibling/cousin of StandardError, not a subclass of it, so the rescue statement doesn't capture it unless explicitly told to.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

Oh you're right, didn't think about SyntaxError. Fixed in r3181.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by cedlemo ... over 12 years ago

Ok so all my pbs have been resolved

Thanks you.

RE: Pbs with selector.rb, sur and sublets - Added by Christoph Kappel over 12 years ago

cedlemo ... wrote:

Ok so all my pbs have been resolved

Thanks you.

You are welcome.
