




Assorted tidbits and projects

Problem with grabs and Dvorak keyboard

Added by e s about 13 years ago

I'm using the Dvorak keyboard layout but the key grabs don't take this into account, i.e if have

grab "W-x", then this maps to the physical key X instead of the key that I press for x.

The correct mappings appear if I restart subtle, so it seems that the mappings are created before my layout is loaded.

Any idea how to fix this?

I tried to add

on :start do

to my subtle.rb but this didn't seem to have any effect.

Replies (5)

RE: Problem with grabs and Dvorak keyboard - Added by Christoph Kappel about 13 years ago

How do you set the keyboard? Doing that just in your xorg.conf it probably not enough and you need to call setxkbmap before starting subtle, typically in your ~/.xinitrc.

I have following in my ~/.xinitrc: setxkbmap -layout 'de(nodeadkeys)'

When you really want to restart subtle on start:

on :start do

BUT I wouldn't suggest to do that, just try to the setxkbmap thing before.

RE: Problem with grabs and Dvorak keyboard - Added by e s about 13 years ago

That worked great. Thanks for the quick reply.

RE: Problem with grabs and Dvorak keyboard - Added by Christoph Kappel about 13 years ago

The suggestion of setxkbmap or the fixed hook? Oh and yw.

RE: Problem with grabs and Dvorak keyboard - Added by e s about 13 years ago

I only tried using setxkbmap and that fixed my problems.

RE: Problem with grabs and Dvorak keyboard - Added by Christoph Kappel about 13 years ago

Ah, great. I will add a FAQ entry for that.
